The Young Elites By Haley Orebaugh

This bookmark represents Adelina's, the main character, feelings and purpose throughout the novel. She has been hurt and betrayed all of her life but now it is her time use powers. Now it is her time to hurt.

Adelina is the Inquisition's main enemy. The lead Inquisitor, Teren Santoro, wants her head and will do anything to get it. The only problem is, Adelina is out for blood and Teren is her main target.

Estenzia is home to the Young Elites and Adelina. It's filled with magnificent bays, forests, and cities. Don't let looks deceive you. Lurking in its shadows are powerful people willing to do whatever it takes to rule the country.

Enzo Valenciano, leader of the Young Elites, dies while trying to gain his rightful throne to Estenzia. His death gives Adelina her purpose to the country. Teren destroyed Enzo, now it's Adelina's time to destroy.

After Enzo's death a new feeling has sparked inside of Adelina. Anger and sadness overcome her but now her true feelings are clear. She is done being hurt, now she is out to destroy anyone that stands in her way.

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