Killing Patton BY Bill O'REILLY and Martin Dugard

It was Dec. 21, 1945, when Gen. George S. Patton Jr. was in a car wreck between his armored car, and a 2 and a half ton truck. He had less than an hour to live. Of all the battles that he has fought, this one will cost his life. The man who feared nothing, had died.
Patton was born on November 11, 1885, and died on December 21, 1945 at 60 years old.
From the Battle of the Bulge to the Potsdam Conference. This book goes into great detail of every major battle that Gen. Patton was in and the Presidents involved.
Not only do you see the American side of World War II, you also see the British, Russian and Nazi side.
Sir Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Britain during WW2 and a very good friend of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Joesph Stalin was an enemy of Patton because he foresaw what Stalin was trying to do. He wanted to control all of Europe and establish a Communist empire.
Hitler. Need i say more about the atrocities that he committed? In an over all viewpoint his vision of racial purity and world domination was sick and twisted.
I have always been a huge World War 2 history buff. That being said I have actually visited the Gen. George S. Patton Museum personally in Ft. Knox, Kentucky, and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about World War II.
I would like to dedicate this to the fallen soldiers of the 3rd Army Division and the sacrifices they made to insure world freedom. May their deaths be not in vain.
Created By
Steve Danley



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