Dickens Village Dept. 56 Find The pieces, settings, buildings, etc you need!!

What piece or set do you want or need??

We are seeking to sell each piece of this wonderful set ....so contact me via the email and or phone number below and tell me the piece you are looking for ...I am doing this for a friend who is willing to make good deals right now ...wants to sell at a price that makes you feel good that you paid a more than fair price and also gets his money back from the investment!

Dept. 56

Here's all you need to do....find my email below and send a note or text the phone number provided. Here is info you must include...

1. Your Name and contact info 2. Name of the piece you want. 3. Item number if you have it 4. Any additional specifications please list.

Email pursueacuity@gmail.com Or text me at 832-642-6205

Created By
Rick Richardson

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