My 7-day trip by jeremiah boos

My first day in south carolina i went to fort Sumter and had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second day was packed with exciting things like Patriots Point which is where the USS Yorktown, the USS Laffey, and the USS Clamagore rest.

i went sailing for the first time on my third day in charleston

i also went on a sunset cruise on a schooner

the forth day packed with fun and excitement when i went to the South carolina aquarium!!!!!
the fith day i went to the charleston city open air market and after i went to the bubba gump shrimp co.
the sixth day i went on a nature tour and kayaked with some friends
the seventh day i went to the charleston tea plantation
Created By
Jeremiah Boos


Created with images by d_allison_d - "Charleston, South Carolina" • donwest48 - "IMAGE_FEF5824E-2E80-4881-A323-AD5DFFE4BAA1.JPG" • tgaume - "Patriots Point" • tgaume - "Patriots Point" • tgaume - "Patriots Point" • tgaume - "Patriots Point" • tgaume - "Patriots Point" • Forsaken Fotos - "Pride of Baltimore II" • Michael R Perry - "American Pride vs. The Californian Tall Ship Cannon Battle" • daveynin - "Slaves Row"

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