The day i made...A Wattpad!

My friend had actually made me the Wattpad for me to read his story. I was kind of skeptical to make it and/or use it. but as time grew on i found myself using Wattpad more often and that's when i made my first story iNSaNiTY which is still in development. I now have other stories such as iNSaNiTY's Prequel iNSaNiTY: Kizuna, 22 knocks, 2 souls and one Demon, Love by Default, PsychoSIS, and When You Don't...You Just Don't. Most of my stories are horror based but they are Light Hearted too, My story is becoming very popular each day im on it. I love it so much. I have so many friends and followers on it!

When you don' just don't cover (Also my cat)
iNSaNiTY cover
love by default cover
iNSaNiTY: Kizuna cover
PychoSIS cover (I drew it)
22 knocks, 2 souls, and one demon cover

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