Georges'BotaniqueAeomatiques Embrace luxury

GBAROMATIQUES Virtual Boutique


"EmBrace Luxury!"

Custom Made Premium designer #VanitySoapBars . The "Silkiest" natural clay soap bar that gently removes impurities from your skin. A gentle natural cleanser of pink Kaolin clay and French green clay for color and the spectacular effects of #SkinDetox, #SkinHydra, #SkinExfo - ALL IN ONE! Simply use it daily for best effects on face, arms, legs, and body. Also, Great Shave Bar! Razor glides over your legs leaving them totally soft and hydrated with the natural oils in the soap to condition your skin. Simply polish your soap daily by using. Gently produce a lather by massaging your soap between hands, under running warm water, to create a generous lather. Close your eyes and Inhale the mouthwatering herbal lavender citrusy blend of aromas that leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. You'll love the effects of Luxury crafted soap only in our virtual boutique at Georges Botanique Aromatiques - GBASoap | Arlington VA://

Grand Bohemian Hotel
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#GBAromatiques, #GBASoap,

#VanitySoapBars, #PrivateLabel, #CustomMade, #CustomOrder, #CraftedSoap, #UniqueGifts, #Weddings, #shopsmall, #ShopArlington, #SmallBiz, #LeapingBunny, #Cruelty-Free, #Eco-Friendly, #EarthMade,

GBASoap | Arlington VA | Virtual Boutique
Created By
SM Kelley


Images by SMKelley

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