The Wall How would actually look like?

The Mexican Architecture firm Estudio 3·14 rendered Trump's wall according its exact specs.

The architects wanted to shows Trump’s vision in “all of its gorgeous perversity”:

(...) this project will allow the general public to literally imagine the gorgeous monstrosity proposed by Mr. Trump. Second, it takes the opportunity of having an architectural object at the core of a national debate, allowing us to test the potential—or limit—of architectural images in mass and social media.
The project was developed by the intern program at Estudio 3.14 (Guadalajara, México) in collaboration with prof. Hassanaly Ladha, University of Connecticut

As the students state on their web page, the wall is also "a prison where 11 million undocumented people will be processed, classified, indoctrinated, and/or deported".

The series "Satellite of Cool" are produced and presented to you by the creative team of Jam'on digital

Februar, 2017

Created By
Pau Todó Ballester


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