POWERFUL SHARKS Fierce sea creatures


This is a shark in it's habitat.

Sharks live in oceans all around the world! Most sharks live in warm water, such as Great White sharks. But some, live in cold water like Whale sharks. Some sharks, live in shallow water, such as the Reef shark, others, live in deep, like Hammerhead sharks. Bull sharks are awesome, they are able to swim in rivers, that are connected to the ocean. So watch out for Bull sharks while swimming in rivers!

Shark Bodies

Sharks have one of the most powerful bodies of all kinds of fish. Sharks have flexible bones, known as cartilage. Sharks have scales, called denticles, which have tiny teeth on them, denticles, also feel like sandpaper. These powerful sea creatures have five to six gills. Sharks swim their whole lives, otherwise, they will sink. Sharks have super senses!!! They can feel a fish's electricity, even if the fish is hiding. A shark’s dorsal fin, helps keep balance. A shark can smell blood, from miles away, they can even smell yours...


Sharks have one of the most powerful bodies of all kinds of fish. Sharks have flexible bones, known as cartilage. Sharks have scales, called denticles, which have tiny teeth on them, denticles, also feel like sandpaper. These powerful sea creatures have five to six gills. Sharks swim their whole lives, otherwise, they will sink. Sharks have super senses!!! They can feel a fish's electricity, even if the fish is hiding. A shark’s dorsal fin, helps keep balance. A shark can smell blood, from miles away, they can even smell yours...


Sharks are predators, they hunt for prey. Most sharks hunt alone, others hunt in groups, called schools. A shark’s streamlined body, speeds up a shark, so they can easily catch fish. Carpet sharks look just like the ocean floor, so they can creep up on fish and crabs that are swimming close to the ocean floor. Different kinds of sharks have different teeth depending on what they eat. Sharks really like to swim in HUGE schools of fish.


Created with images by skeeze - "gray reef shark fish shark" • A.M. Kuchling - "Shark" • skeeze - "whitetip reef shark shark cave" • tonynetone - "SHARKS" • floodllama - "There is always a bigger fish"

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