Places to Visit in New Jersey Miguel Roman

Although the Statue of Liberty belongs to New York, It is in the waters of New Jersey.

The USS New Jersey is the most decorated battleship to have ever flown the colors of the United States of America, and is now a floating museum.

Hight Point State Park is the highest natural point in New Jersey and has numerous of different activities to do, including a monument built to honor war veterans.

Liberty Science Center is located in Jersey City and offers a plethora of fascinating exhibits and displays relating to science and technology, as well as the worlds largest IMAX Theatre.

Atlantic City Boardwalk is not only the oldest but the longest boardwalk in the world spanning at 5.5 miles.

Princeton is famously known for its universities and research institutes such as the Institute for Advanced Study, where Albert Einstein carried out his final work. Princeton University is one of 8 Ivy League schools and very exciting to explore.

Old Barracks museum is the last of five barracks authorized by colonial legislature in 1778 to house soldiers in the French and Indian War.

The Hoboken Waterfront Walkway has one of the most beautiful views of the New York skyline and is also a good location to take a stroll, pictures, walk the dog, and even running.

Gina's Pizzeria is located in Harrison and it is the place to go to if you are suffering from severe hunger. One slice of pizza is estimated to fill up the average person, but feel free to order their special which includes 2 slices of their huge pizza with a soft drink for just $5.

The Meadowlands State Fair is a carnival held every summer around late June and early July. It is a great place to take the family, boyfriend, or girlfriend to go see and enjoy a night full of laughter, eating, and screaming.

Created By
Miguel Roman


Created with images by alecperkins - "Jersey City Triathlon" • dcline - "new york statue of liberty in" • Forsaken Fotos - "USS New Jersey" • Boston Public Library - "High Point Monument, High Point, N.J." • Mulad - "img_0486" • Michel Curi - "Atlantic City Boardwalk" • PublicDomainPictures - "atlantic city ocean" • shinya - "Boardwalk" • Bogdan Migulski - "Princeton University in the Winter, New Jersey" • pablo.sanchez - "Old Barracks Museum, Trenton, NJ" • John St John Photography - "The Pyramid of Finance" • Andy Atzert - "Day 54 2014" • Ryan Vaarsi - "New growth" • Jane Quigley (jquig99) - "Summer Skyline" • Jane Quigley (jquig99) - "Sunny Skyline" • alecperkins - "Photo Shoot" • switz1873 - "Big Kahuna" • Sister72 - "New Jersey State Fair"

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