Protests By Rhys Skinner

I always wanted to be connected to my roots. I’m young now but if/when I become older and more successful, I want people to know where I’ve come from.
As an actor and a dramatist I feel that my body is what I would use to kill fascism, to end fascism. This tattoo symbolises what I believe in and I want people to know that when they see it, and feel the same way.
I stand as op death eaters against the paedophiles within our government.
I feel like people are ignorant to this situation, they ignore it, they feel like if they don’t see it, then nothing is happening.
You can’t do anything by yourself really, you can only do things united and that’s why I put my message out there .
Wearing badges, having papers and leaflets, it gets people interested and that’s how you grow a campaign against something really, through showing others that it matters.
it’s to broadcast what’s happening but also to develop a strategy to fight those in power
Created By
Rhys Skinner


Rhys Skinner

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