Needs and Wants

As you already know everyone has a job. Your main job is to learn. Your parents all have different jobs. Your parents have jobs in order to earn money so they can buy things that they need and want.

What is a Need?

What is a Want?

I Have all I Need by Trish Lee

Momo says I have all the things I need. And to tell you the truth I must agree. I have food to keep me healthy and strong. I have clothes to wear all year long. I have a home to live in and belong. But sometimes I want things, as all people do. Like a two-wheeled bicycle, shiny and new.

People have both wants and needs.

A need is something necessary to survive and be healthy.

While a want is something you would like to have but that you don't need.

What is something you need?

Food is something you need!

People need food to live.


Clothing is something that we need. We use different clothes according to the weather in order to protect our bodies.

Shelter (or a home)

Shelter is a place where someone can protect themselves from the weather and different animals.

Everyone needs a shelter in order to survive.

Which are the things that you need?

Now that you know which things you need, can you give me some examples of things that you want?

Created By
Belen Samaniego


Created with images by tsakshaug - "Zion NP" • uwlideas - "#Food" • Couleur - "pretzels fritters baked goods" • Daria-Yakovleva - "background frame food" • uwlideas - "#Food" • coolmikeol - "Food" • Bruce Guenter - "Hung out to dry" • wilhei - "laundry dry dry laundry" • Clean Wal-Mart - "Clothes" • andrew.wippler - "clothes" • Rosmarie Voegtli - "shelter" • Jason Pratt - "House" • vwcampin - "Ford Camper" • Peter Kaminski - "Empire State Building"

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