The ineffectiveness of Antibiotics antibiotic resistance


Overuse: Use too much

Resistance: the ability not to be affected by something, especially adversely.

over the counter medicine: medicine you do not need a prescription for

antibiotic: a medication that destroys microorganism

mutation: under go a change

genes: DNA passed down to offspring

Why do people over use antibiotics?

People overuse antibiotics because mentally they feel better but not doing anything for them physically and also sometimes people are not taking the right dose. Donald Berwick, a doctor and the CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement discovered informed “conventional wisdom in psychology, in fact, is that our brains have two independent systems at work at all times. First, there's what we call the emotional side. It's the part of you that is instinctive, that feels pain and pleasure. Second, there's the rational side, also known as the reflective or conscious system”. The reflective or conscious system is the part of our brain that wants us to feel better fast. So sometimes people will take as much medicine as they need to until they’re mentally feel better not caring the damage the could be doing physically to their body by doing this. “Over-the-counter medicines are not subject to the rigorous testing that prescription drugs are. So you might be taking to much/too little or not be talking the right stuff at all” stated by Dr. Cara Natterson. By doing this it could harms one health.

Why does our body resistance the antibiotics?

After a while or bodies start to resistance antibiotics. According to Martin Khor, executive director of South Centre “So you have a gene, in this enzyme, which is an antibiotic resistance gene whose specialty is to strengthen the bacteria so that it will be resistant to antibiotics”. In genes or viruses “mutations randomly occur in nature to the virus” according to Cleveland clinic. So the virus is always changing meaning it will get stronger and stronger meaning the antibiotics that we are currently using won’t be any good because the genes mutation make us resistance to the antibiotic.

How does antibiotic resistance impact patient behavior and options?


Sometime antibiotics don’t work because our body’s build a resistance to them. “When the antibiotics don’t work the alternative drugs, however, could be more toxic, more expensive, and may even be less effective” according to the TechTIme. So antibiotics not working can lead into serious things. Other effects it has is because of antibiotics that the person would be sick for even longer According to Allan Adamson from the website TechTime “People who acquire resistant infection may also need longer recovery time, may incur more medical expenses, and may die from the infection”. Just because of that people won’t buy antibiotics. From the Huffington post by Dr. Cara Natterson “some people won’t even use antibiotics They will stay home from school or skip work in order to rest and hydrate and heal instead of using the antibiotics”. This is probably because people do not want to build the resistance in their body.

What effects other than our own physical health does antibiotic resistance have?

Antibiotic resistance has an effects our animals that we consume which is a part of our food source for most Americans.“From the World Health Organization, which has described antibiotic resistance as one of the biggest threats to global food security” stated from Allan Adamson Tech Times. This happens because the animal take the antibiotic which has an effect on people and their resistance to antibiotics. The Real News states “when animals take the antibiotics they build a resistance to them and then when humans eat them we are also building the resistance because the antibiotic is in the meat”. Other than it affecting our food it affects people's mental health.From the cleveland clinic “Antibiotics don't work for the common flu. But people believe mentally they feel better after when they take it”.

How will the ineffectiveness of antibiotics affect future generations?

The ineffectiveness of antibiotics will have a big impact on future generation because they will have a hard time fighting off the diseases because antibiotics won’t work. Figures from the World Health Organization, which has described antibiotic resistance as one of the biggest threats to global food security, health and development today predicts “The number of cases, however, is predicted to increase to 10 million per year by year by 2050”. But this could also affect future generations because Kunin from Ohio State University stated “ By the year 2020, the era of new antibiotics will be over and we'll be back in the 19th century, It will affect kids because the kids won’t be able to fight off the bacteria such common diseases as pneumonia, meningitis and bronchitis, and the medicine won’t work”. So antibiotic resistance is a major issue that if it doesn’t get solved it can affect not only you, but the next generations.

Work cited

Adamson, Allan. “Death of Woman From Superbug Resistant to 26 Antibiotics Highlights Danger of Drug Resistance.” Tech Times, 16 January 2017, Accessed 31 January 2017.

“Antibiotic Resistance: Questions & Answers.” RxList, 21 April 2010, Accessed 31 January 2017.

DERFEL, AARON. "Overuse of Antibiotics might Turn Common Illnesses into Killers: Doctor; in another Quarter Century, Even Childbed Fever and Other Horrors of the Distant Past might Come Back to Haunt Us, He Warns." The Gazette, Jul 21 1995, ProQuest Newsstand,

DiCorleto, Paul. “When Antibiotics Stop Working, What’s Next?” Cleveland Clinic, 28 January 2014, Accessed 31 January 201.

Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. "Overcoming Resistance To Change." School Administrator 68.3 (2011): 28-32. ERIC. Web. 3 Feb. 2017.

Natterson, Cara. “Antibiotics: Understanding the Pros and Cons.” The Huffington Post, 25 May 2011, Accessed 31 January 2017.

The Real News Network. N.p., 13 Jan. 2016. Web. 08 Feb. 2017. <>.


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