Food Truck Policy Jacob, sean, alex, cameron

Problem: There is not enough time and options that you can choose from at lunch time.

Solution: There will be food trucks along the property of Middle Creek High. Students may access them during their designated lunch time. Only upperclassmen with a pass will be permitted.

Policy and Consequences: If you go to a truck when it is not your lunch period, you will lose your lunch privileges for a week. Vandalism policy is consistent with the school's basic policies. Only upperclassmen with a pass are permitted.

Exceptions: If a student gets their lunch changed due to a test or other reason, they will still have access to their food truck. A pass will be given by their teacher acknowledging that their lunch was changed.

Benefits: This plan will help the school make more money, less car accidents, less students being tardy, and more positive communication between students and teachers.

Effective Date: The new rule would go into effect starting in the 2017-2018 school year.

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