Create a Creature Project By: Bryce Nabridge

The Cornu testsa also commonly known as the Horned Fish gets its name from the Latin roots of horn and Latin word shell due to its large nose horn and back shell.

The Horned Fish lives in the Photic zone where light penetrates the most and the most fish live, the Pelagic zone or beyond the continental shelf, and the Epipelagic zone where most large creatures live and the primary area of food production occurs. Some abiotic factors here are light availability, water, salinity, pressure, water currents, and Temperature.

Some traits that make the Horned Fish well-suited for these zones is it has a horn and a shell for protection/defense from large predators and it also uses the horn to attack its prey. It also is able to swim well and efficiently in the open ocean with its fins to.

To move, the Horned fish swims with its fins while being aerodynamic in the water with its horn to pierce through the water. It pushes through the water, propelling itself with its fins.

The Horned Fish is a "carnivore" or meat eater. It feeds on animals such as dolphins, squid, baby whales, small sharks, occasionally sea turtles, tuna, and other fish that it encounters. The Horned Fish uses its spear like horn to kill its prey. It then cuts it up into smaller pieces and eats them through its mouth.

The Horned Fish is approximately 2,100 lbs (pounds) at maturity. They can grow to an average of about 16 to 19 feet in length. Their shell covers their entire top portion of their body. The Horned Fish's horn can grow from about 6 to 10 feet, similar to the narwhal, which makes it extremely deadly. The females and males range about the same size however the females weigh slightly less.

The Horned Fish is blue. It is blue because it blends in and looks similar to blue whale which also live in the same zone as the Horned Fish. It blends in with blue whales well because the blue whales have no natural known predator since it is too large. This helps it disguise from large predators that would eat the Horned Fish.

The Horned Fish protects itself using its sharp horn or tusk to ward off incoming predators. It slices and cuts through their predator viciously while its shell protects its vital organs from predators not in its sight or it is not aware of and from predators trying to eat it. Although an efficient swimmer, it is also very slow with its shell which makes the horn and shell even more important for protection and to ward off incoming predators.

The Horned Fish is nektonic. This means that it swims through the water as opposed to floating/drifting or attaching to other species/objects. The Horned fish uses its fins to swim through the water while and propel itself. It also uses its aerodynamic horn to pierce through the water and possible currents. This allows it to swim extremely well in the open waters.

The Horned Fish has gill slits on both sides of its body. It uses these slits to extract dissolved oxygen in the water and excrete carbon dioxide. This gives the Horned Fish an advantage to mammals in the water because they don't have to swim to the surface for oxygen from the air.

The Horned fish produces sexually. The females are attracted to the large tusk of the male which creates a competition among males because females believe that tusk size makes them the best fit. The females lay down their eggs in a hole and the male swims over them fertilizing them with its sperm. Since their isn't an abundant off offspring or eggs, the male protects and guides its offspring until maturity so the species can continue to thrive and more offspring survive while the female leaves to produce more offspring incase the existing ones don't survive.

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