WW 2 Project by Ray MOrales

Attack of the Pearl Harbor

In 1941 the Japanese planes attacked the United States naval base at pearl harbor, Hawaii territory. The bombing killed more than 2,300 Americans and it completely destroyed the American Battle ship U.S.S..

Battle Of Midway

June 3, 1942 World War 11 naval battle, fought almost entirely with aircraft, in which the United States destroyed japans first line carrier strength and most of its best trained naval pilots.

Battle of Britain

June 10, 1940- The Battle of Britain is name given to the second world war campaign waged by the German air force against the United Kingdom during the summer and autumn of 1940.

D-Day/ Invasion or Normandy

June 6, 1944 code name operation overload, the battle began on june 6, 1944 also known a D-Day, when some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along 50-mile stretch of heavy fortified coast of Frances Norman Region.

Battle of Stalingrad

February 2, 1943 The Battle of Stalingrad was a major battle on the eastern front of World War 2 in which nazi Germany and its allies fought the soviet union for control the city of Stalingrad in southern Russia, on the eastern boundary of Europe.


January 30, 1933 also known as the soap, was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler`s Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about six million jews.


August 26, 1995 They were a group of African American fighter pilots in the U.S. Army Air Corps of World War 2 the Air Force did not yet exist as a separate entity.

Battle Of The Bulge

Dec 16, 1944- Jan 25, 1945 it was the last German offensive campaign of World War 2, it was launched through the densely forested ardennes region of Wallonia, Belgium, France and Luxembourg.


Created with images by KurtClark - "Today in 1941 - Pearl Harbor Attack" • KurtClark - "Today in 1941 - Pearl Harbor Attack" • conner395 - "Orkney Constabulary 1899" • Dave_S. - "Battle of Britain flight at RIAT Fairford" • The U.S. Army - "D-Day: The Normandy Invasion" • quapan - "Numinous »Wewelsburg«-Acropolis was usurped by Heinrich Himmler for esoteric SS-ordinances" • bernswaelz - "tombstone faith customs" • MTAPhotos - "Transit Veterans Recognition Day" • The U.S. Army - "WWII veterans and Soldiers remember the Battle of the Bulge"

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