Hemotologist Macie Whitcher & Brooke Knight

A hematologist is a specialist in hematology which is the study of blood, disease involving blood, and blood forming organs.
Hemotologist work in many different environments like blood banks, labs and clinics.
Hematologist requires 7+ years of medical school and postgrad training before earning a board certification internal medicine, At least 2 years of special training and studying a range of hematological disorders are required.
Hematologist can look at blood samples though microscopes.
The median starting salary is $317,000. The benefits and perks would be the education allowance, training exams, four week vacation per year, health & dental insurance, professional liability insurance, and retirement funds.
Some personal values of a hematologist would be the need to help people, get educated, and make people aware of the problems that can occur in the blood.

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