Time Machine (1899) When Thanksgiving was weird by Kai

people celebrated thanks giving very differently back then. people would put on masks and do something very close to trick or treating. The children orphanage would put on masks and put on plays.Tombs Prison was huge Warden Hagan ordered 550 pounds of chicken, 250 pounds of turkey, 200 pounds of roast pork, 150 mince pies and two barrels of apples.The Manhattan State Hospital for the Insane. About 6,780 pounds of turkey and accompaniments were distributed among the patients. In the female department, there was a concert in the afternoon. In the male department at night, there was a live show.

The main idea of this artical was to tell what thanks giving was in the past to support my answer I will give three examples first the artical is called time machine 1899 when thanks giving was weird,second Los Angeles Times of Nov. 21, 1897 is quoted by the author, last back then was weird quoted by the author.

I wonder why kids whore masks for thanks giving back then.

Created By
Kai Howell

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