Age of Exploration Ferdinand Magellan 1480-1521

Fernão de Magalhães (Ferdinand Magellan) was born in Porto Portugal in (around) 1480 with his parents Rodrigo de Magalhães, (dad) and Alda de Mesquita (mom).

His parents were members of the Portuguese nobility and after their deaths, Magellan became a page for the queen, at age 10.

Ferdinand Magellan statue

Before I go any farther I think Ferdinand Magellan was curious, adventurous, and was able to make decisions.

Lets fast forward a few years Ferdinand presented his famous plan to King Manuel of Portugal to find a western route to the East Indies ( Spice Islands ). King Manuel said no to that idea.

Now he presents his plan to King Charles I of Spain, and he says yes.


The Magellan-Elanco voyage Sets sail with 270 men in 1519.

2 years later on 27 April 1521 Magellan is wounded under the troops of Lapu-Lapu on Mactan Island.

Elanco completed the voyage later, but that is a different story.

I can't find a Ferdinand Magellan timeline.


Created with images by oldandsolo - "Ferdinand Magellan's death" • RAYANDBEE - "FERDINAND MAGELLAN" • uroburos - "flag national spain" • Free Grunge Textures - - "World Map - Abstract Acrylic"

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