Stryker MIS Solutions Basel, 1st & 2nd March 2017

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to share with you that 19 surgeons have been newly trained on the safe and effective use of Stryker Spine MIS LITe TLIF Solutions product portfolio in Basel by an International Faculty Panel including Prof. Philippe Charles (Strasbourg, France) Mr Jake Timothy (Leeds, UK) Dr Gerd Bordon (Valencia, Spain) and Mr Omar Gabbar (Leicester, UK). The delegates came from all across Europe as well as Saudi Arabia and Russia.

This 2 day course utilized the fantastic facilities at the AMTS in Basel, Day 1 was class room based sessions which included interactive presentations and case studies as well as a discussion carousel designed to encourage group discussion and interaction on key topics of MIS surgery, this new format for the course is designed in line with accelerated learning style principles to help the retention of learning occur quicker and last longer.

On day 2 the delegates were given a master class in the cadaveric labs by the faculty and were able to complete the hands on sessions which included the following Stryker products combining both the Spine MIS portfolio with selected elements form the Head & Neck portfolio to demonstrate a true MIS LITe TLIF Spinal Solution.

Products from the LITe TLIF solution included:

• ES2

• Pedical Based Retractor

• AVS Navigator

• ES2 Augmentable

• Cortoss

• Nav 3i and Spine Mask

• Sonopet

The overall feedback has been extremely positive, with an overall score of 7.47 out of 8,

Additional comments included:

I enjoyed high level experience of faculty members and their attitude to share tips and tricks

“Very good course in great facilities”

The cadaveric sessions on day 2 proved to be a strong favorite of the delegates scoring 7.49 out of 8, highlighting the strength of this interaction with the faculty.

A big thank you to all the European Stryker employees that attended and supported the lab sessions and engaged with the delegates your attendance was greatly appreciated including Charlie Brueckbauer, Giacomo Bosani, Svenja Wegener, Greg Madej, Jerome Humbert, Merete Terp, PJ Gangani, Rachelle Verlee & Ximo Borja.

Thank you to Ulrich Buehner and Showcasing Stryker’s Navigation offering both with the product presentation and with the Navigation station in the Cad Lab session and Deirdre McGovern for your expertise on the Sonopet system.

I look forward to welcoming your customers to Basel for future course


Barry Cleugh

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