Reflection on the Project Jack lluy

At first I felt that this project would be just another long term project that I would wait until the last minute to put together, however the very experiments that were required in the project forced me to work hard on the project in parts. I feel that just by attempting different strategies that my overall academic ability is improving, which forces me to stick with the ones that work. Proof of this is in my first self-designed experiment as I now force myself to finish my work in time for me to get a good nights sleep or I will not be able to function the next day.

Huge thank you to the ACS and Mrs. Cari Brooks

There were some setbacks in this portfolio project that were discouraging. The difficulties integrating my interview and having to suffer through some experiments that were not being very effective such as the Quizlet exhibit come to mind. Despite this, I was always trying to keep a growth mindset because at least I was learning more about myself, and deeper self-awareness always helps a person grow. Since growth was my number one quality I appreciate that very much. My favorite exhibit was the value exhibit because I gained an enormous amount of self-understanding sorting through my values and being forced to choose which were more important to me. I even surprised myself with the number one and that was very pleasant because it showed that I still have a lot to learn about myself. Overall, I think that this has been my favorite long term assignment, partially because I did it in steps, and partially because I learned so much along the way. I will take all of this knowledge that I gained and carry it with me to use in my future in academics and in the professional world.


Created with images by Mr B's Photography - "How Deep?" • magnetbox - "Thank you, thank you" • the_moment - "smile"

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