The art of tasting living the wine experience


We love traveling, we love new experiences, we love living life. And we love to do all that while tasting nice wine.

Wine is meant to be with food - that's the point of it.” Julia Child

We live in a world who thinks good wine is only for the elites. This website was created to show that quality does not have to be expensive. We will write about trends, types of wine and everything that is necessary for you to enjoy the best experience. No one should leave this world without enjoying the art of tasting.

6 Reasons Wine Is the Best Thing Ever

1. It makes you more attractive: researchers think low doses of alcohol (more does not help) may give you a healthy glow and subtle smile—who doesn't want that?

2. It's good for your heart: moderate wine consumption may reduce your risk of heart disease, possibly because of the polyphenol content.

3. It may help maintain your muscle: french researchers set out to discover whether resveratrol, a component of wine (which has been linked to lower levels of bad cholesterol and protecting the lining of blood heart vessels) could help preserve muscle mass.

4. It reduces stress: that's always our excuse, right? But it's legit: "All types of alcohol are central nervous system depressants, which means they depress brain activity and trigger a calming, sleep effect," says Cynthia Sass.

5. It can prevent memory loss: adults who took resveratrol supplements for six months had a better short-term memory than their counterparts who took a placebo, according to a small Journal of Neuroscience study. Since wine has this secret ingredient, it could play the same effect on your brain.

6. It can burn fat: a chemical found in muscadine grapes (a dark-red variety) may slow the growth of fat cells, while improving liver function in overweight people, according to a recent Oregon State University study.


Do you need more reasons?

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Created with images by Fast Forward Event Productions - "San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival" • Daria-Yakovleva - "cheese food nutrition"

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