C. Robinson One point perspective project

My first one point perspective drawing was not successful in my opinion. The bricks were not proportional and they were unbalanced. I made mistakes and drew the doors and windows that were on the front of the building to the vanishing point. There was not a lot of variety in this. I did not emphasize anything in particular so my drawing was very bland in my opinion. I did not draw cars or people or any objects so there was no movement in my drawing at all. Both of the buildings look basically the same so that did not offer any variety at all. I did not color the building so there was not any value, texture or color.
The lines on the front of the buildings and doors and straight vertical lines. The lines on the tops and bottoms of the doors in the front of the buildings are horizontal. I used a wide variety of color in this landscape. The size of the bricks on the buildings are not balanced. In my opinion my second one point perspective drawing was more successful than the last one but not as successful as it could have been. I consider this one successful because the doors are proportional and balanced, they are not going to vanishing point. The bricks are some what balanced and proportional. There is movement because i put sidewalks. Theres very little variety but its there. There is color in this drawing and contrast. I tried adding texture to my tree but it did not quite work out. The buildings have texture because there are bricks on them
Progress photo

1.) Before this project I knew that impressionist artists used multiple colors in the same area on the color wheel to make it seem like one color. I knew that pointillism was a technique where you make a lot of tiny dots of relatively the same color to make a pattern or shape.

2.) One technique that i learned how to do during this assignment was pointillism. Pointillism's function is to use a lot of different colors in the same area to basically trick ur eyes into thinking its all one color.

3.)Pointillism is is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image. I created the impressionist technique in my fantasy building by using many cool colors and make small brush like marks to make it seem like one color. I done this for the entire page.

4.) Impressionist painters were trying to accomplish expression and movement by using pointillism, they were also trying to capture natural light.

5.) 1873 Poppies by Claude Monet

6.) This painting is by Claude Monet. He was trying to capture the natural light on the field and the movement of the poppies from the breeze. In this painting I see a woman holding a blue umbrella with a child. The child is picking poppies. In the distance i can see a building in which i am assuming is their home. Behind the woman with the blue umbrella i see another woman with a young child. Off in the distance i see a few trees and on the far left of the trees it looks like a monster or big foot is stalking the women and children.

8.) The poppies and grass have a lot of movement because it looks like the wind has blown them to one side. The poppies are emphasized because they are the most outstanding and vibrant color. The clouds are overlapping in space. Everything in this picture is proportional because the objects gets smaller the farther away they are. Pointillism is obviously heavily used in this landscape.

9.) In this painting i think the emphasis on the poppies is great because it shows the main purpose of the landscape. I think that the use of the blues in the grass was a good idea because it does not portray what grass actually looks like. I think Monet did a great job painting this landscape because he did a great job emphasizing the poppies, he also had a great choice of colors and he added a lot of detail to the background. I think other people would think that this picture's main focus is the poppies because that is the brightest thing in this picture. I think people should see all the details Monet put into the greenery of this painting. If I had to grade this painting i would give it a grade of 100 because everything seems to be very well thought out and it seems that he put a lot of work and effort into this. If I owned this work I would probably display in the foyer of my house for everyone to see when they walked into my house. I think the child holding the poppies is worth remembering.



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