Goldman Sachs An introduction

Goldman Sachs is an American multinational finance company that engages in investment banking, investment management, securities and other financial services.

  • Assest Management
  • Commercial Banking
  • Mergers and Aquisitions
  • Mutual Funds
  • Commodities
  • Prime Brokage

Goldman Sachs is one the elite investment firms in the world. According to Fortune, Goldman Sachs has a lower acceptance rate for applicants than Harvard at 4%. My personality enjoys challenging myself and "beating the odds". Part of the reason I want to work for Goldman Sachs is the mere challenge of obtaining the job. Additionally Goldman is involved in many facets of large companies such as Twitter, Apple and Berkshire Hathaway.

Goldman Sachs prides itself in the organizational culture. They have a flat structure where everyone can be involved. According to Goldman, employees push each other daily to achieve task they might not have believe they were capable of. At Goldman no one is "too Junior". They excel the career of associates by challenging them and increasing their workload.

Goldman also prides themselves in serving the community. They are involved with other 900 charitable organizations and allow days off from work for employees to volunteer and give back to the community they serve.

Goldman Sachs would jumpstart any career in the financial world.


Created with images by Jo@net - "Finance District"

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