Oil Industry And climate change

The power of oil industry.
Oil Industries damage in large proportions the environment, while contributing the advancement of climate change.
Oil Industries hold a large influence on society nowadays as an economical power.
By having oil industries change their means of production....

Oil Industries could change from polluting to actually help the environment.

Regarding climate change. Oil industries could help slow down or keep being the main influence for the advancement of climate change.

With their economical power and influence on society, oil industries would bring a huge positive impact on the environment.

Climate change would be drastically reduced thanks to the influence of oil industries if they changed their means of production.
Created By
Ben Quiroz


Created with images by Deacon MacMillan - "Kasumigaura" • Christian Schirrmacher - "Industry" • caio 78 - "OIL" • Unsplash - "industry industrial smoke" • _Ju!cE_ - "Magdalena_oil_industry_museum_Gorlice_Poland_2" • L.C.Nøttaasen - "Colorful Old Oil Barrels" • 15299 - "drilling oil rig" • bradleygee - "industry"

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