Buddhism By:sahra

The third followed religion with over 500 million followers

Buddhism was founded about 6000 BCE by siddhartha gautama going through ENLIGHTENMENT


The birthday of Siddhartha Gautama most important festival in Buddhism . (The birth of the one who bought the religion to the people).

Ancestor Day (ulambana)

It is believe that the gate of hell, on the first eight lunar month. Ghost visit the world for 15 days. Offering drinks and food is common during this time.


Boys 7-14 go though three day ceremony . Having to shave their hair, have makeup, and wear fancy costume as to symbolize the start of their journey enlightenment.

The lotus Flower

The symbol of purity of body and mind.


1 one man created the religon

2 It has two main branches

3 it is the fourth largest religon

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