Making learning visible

Transparent --- not a mystery

Setting path for them....yet giving them options

Feedback and feedback and feedback
What is next? Feedback is loops.
The power of 'YET'....

What do we want students to be able to know, understand and do?

Context and complexity

Preparation and feedback and planning prior to using the app to share our thinking

Sharing out our thinking about what we've read

Theme is central message. ---- Can this be explained in more detail?

CENTRAL IDEA is closer to PLOT --- what it is about?

CONTEXT --- where is it happening? Under what circumstances should the student be able to know and do the concepts?

Importance of vertical articulation - and the 'spirit of the standard'

Going back to the text to find textual evidence over and over again

Asking questions that are worth asking!

RL 8.1 ---- 5.1. NEVER stands by itself - Finding textual evidence is in conjunction with another standard. NOT doing it in isolation.

Learning and learning and learning - not just about the end product, but the learning journey

AND VS. OR ........other tasks mentioned in the standard - Also what is the standard asking to be evaluated? Be able to clearly articulate and record what do students have or not have?

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