The all new happy house model 3000 Only 700 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000.99 dollars

The all new house model 3000 from 2017 is the best house on the market for you and the your family. It comes with more than a handfull of features like, cooking the food for you, doing the laundry for you and even scratch your butt for you.

Luxury and comfort were our two priorities during the designing of this house, here are some pics from the house.

Here are some quotes from our costumers:


I do not buy houses all the time , but when I do, its this one. -The most interisting men in the world

C'est fancy -Joël Legendre

As we said before the house comes with a handfull of features to amaze your family and to ridicule your neighbours. Here is the complete list of features.

- A complete massage system

-A robot woman (for lonely people)

-Arnold Schwarzeneger

-A 2017 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 (because global warming doesn't exist)

-A Toyota Prius (If global warming exists)(Batteries non included)

-A box of 12 eggs

- A Jeremy who will strip and sing for you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


-And a banana!

The rest is non included because capitalism and all hail the illuminati




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