What is the Constitution? By Audrey Saxton

Article One

Section one: Power will be put in Congress
Section two: Tells about House of Representatives
Section three:Talks about the requirements to be a Senator
Section four: Talks about the rules for Congress meetings that happen once a year.
Section five: Talks about the rules of a Quorum, and also talks about how each House can make it's own rules, but the Houses have to document the rules.
Section Six: Talks about how Americans pay for federal taxes, and how members of Congress cannot be in other places of the Government Section Seven: Talks about how revenue, which is the money the government gets from taxes, originates from the House of Representatives. It also talked about how the Senate sends in laws to the President to approve. It also talked about how two thirds of Congress is able to override a law the President wants to sign. Section Eight: Talks about the rules of how Congress can spend tax money Section Nine:Talks about the rules of migration into other states, which Congress could no longer prohibit in 1808. Section Ten: Talks about all the stuff the States can do, but Congress can, such as make treaties with other states, handle exports, or handle soldiers

Article Two

Section One: Talks about the rules to become President, such as you must be thirty five. It also tells about how if the President is impeached the Vice President will take over. It also tells that in order to become President, a person needs 270 electoral votes. Section Two:Talks about how the President has power of the military, making treaties, appoint judges to Supreme Court,appoint ambassadors, and appoint other officers to the United States.
Section Three: Tells about the State of Union address.
Section Four: Tells about how the President and Vice President can be impeached for committing bad crimes.

Article Three

Section One: Tells about the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the U.S. Section Two:Tells about how the Supreme Court does not hear every case, and about Appellate Jurisdiction, which is the power of the higher courts to be able to change the descions of lower courts. Section Three: Tells how Congress can decide if a person has committed treason

First Amendment

Freedom of speech,religion,assembly,and press

Second Amendment

The right to bear arms

Third Amendment

Soldiers cannot be quartered in a person's home without their consent

Fourth Amendment

The need of a search warrant to search someone's house

Fifth Amendment

The right to remain silent

Sixth Amendment

The right to a speedy trial by jury

Seventh Amendment

Trial by jury in civil cases

Eighth Amendment

No cruel and unusual punishment or excessive bail

Ninth Amendment

Guarantee of civil rights

Tenth Amendment

Rights of states and people

Eleventh Amendment

Prevents suits against states

Twelth Amendment

Election procedures

Thirteenth Amendment

Slavery is abolished

Fourteenth Amendment

Fifteenth Amendment

Sufferage for people of colour

Sixteenth Amendment

Income taxes are made

Seventeenth Amendment

Election of senators

Eighteenth Amendment

Prohibition- people cannot sell alcohol

Nineteenth Amendment

Women's sufferage

Twentieth Amendment

Lame duck movement for congress is abolished

Twenty first Amendment

People can sell alcohol again

Twenty-Second Amendment

Presidential term limits are set to eight years

Twenty-Third Amendment

Poll taxes are abolished

Twenty-Fourth Amendment

Succession of offices of president

Twenty-Fifth Amendment

If the President gets impeached or dies, the Vice President takes over

Twenty-Sixth Amendment

The right for citizens eighteen years and older to vote

Twenty-Seventh Amendment

You cannot increase or decrease taxes on Congress members until the next set of Congress members


Created with images by angela n. - "Constitution Gardens" • Kimtaro - "Chamber of the House of Representatives" • Steve Snodgrass - "Congress" • conner395 - "Zetland Constabulary 1966"

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