Encouraging More Dynamic and Deliberate Writers A collaborative online endeavor across the miles

Our state gem is the diamond. Our state is the nation's only diamond producing state.

Our state flower is the apple blossom and it grows on apple trees. They are pink and white with green leaves. At one time, apples were a major crop in this state and there are many cities that still host apple festivals in the fall.

Our state bird is the mockingbird. If you watched the movie or read the books, The Hunger Games, you may recall the mockingbird can imitate the sounds of other animals. It an grow to be 10 inches long. Their feathers are grey with patches of white.

Our state instrument is the fiddle, also called the violin. It is often used in American Folk Music and was often the only music in pioneer homes.

Getting closer to home now. Do you know our state yet?

This is a big lake near our home. What is the name of the animal that chews down trees to use the logs to make their home over flowing waterways?

Right. Beavers.

This is Beaver Lake.

This is a statue J. William Fulbright that stands on the campus of a major university near our home. Do you know which university it is?

Here is another picture of the town the university is in and one of the university buildings is visible in the back right corner. Getting any ideas? Do you know what well known street this is?

This is Dixon Street. In the fall, thousands of motorcycles line this street for an event called, Bikes, Blues, and BBQ. Do you know this University and town yet?

Right. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The town we are from is actually a little north of Fayetteville, Arkansas. We have immigrants from many places, but one of those places is the Marshall Islands. Our people speak Marshallese.

Another place people immigrate from and settle here is Mexico. These new friends speak Spanish.

All our new immigrants are welcome in our town, just like Lady Liberty has done for 131 years. We have a few big companies that offer opportunities that draw them here like Tyson, JB Hunt and Walmart. Can you guess our town yet?

We are in Springdale, Akransas. We have a population slightly above 76,000. Our school district has 21 schools and about 21, 000 students.

Created By
Julie Lien


Created with images by cygig - "diamond gem cubic zirconia" • kapchurus - "Apple Blossoms" • skeeze - "northern mockingbird songbird bird" • raymaclean - "fiddle" • Big Tex 007 - "Beaver_lake_dam_contrast-" • rubberducky53171 - "Train trestle over water" • Clinton Steeds - "DSC_2695a" • Clinton Steeds - "DSC_0812" • Free Grunge Textures - www.freestock.ca - "Marshall Islands Grunge Flag" • Free Grunge Textures - www.freestock.ca - "Mexico Grunge Flag" • ParentRap - "statue of liberty turmoil political" • StuSeeger - "Painted Flag Art"

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