
Lane's World: Tech Space Resources For Blended Learning

In the last edition I shared a document on how to import "old" content to your "new" Canvas course, management tips for a one2one classroom, using text to speech tools on iPad, and conditions that will make one2one succeed. Here's the link:

October 3rd 2017

In this issue:

  • iPad Issues: When is it a Helpdesk Ticket?
  • Requesting an App for the App Portal
  • Safer Online Searches

ipad issues: when is it A Helpdesk ticket?

Some issues can be solved remotely, in which case a Helpdesk ticket is the best option. Other situations require an iPad to be sent out of the building. These issues are handled in the Media Center.

Open the link below to see a chart of common issues and how we handle them. We will be distributing paper copies of the chart at an upcoming staff meeting but you are welcome to print a copy here:

Requesting An App for the Student APp Portal

Have you found a great app for student learning? You can fill in a request form in Google Apps and the Tech Team will consider adding it to the Portal for all students or for specific grade levels. Below are some criteria we use to evaluate an app request and determine if it is appropriate to place in the portal.

  • The app is free and provides most of its useful content without requiring in app purchases.
  • The app meets one or more relevant instructional purposes.
  • Is there an existing app already in the portal that is similar or accomplishes the same purpose?
  • The app is age appropriate and COPPA compliant (Generally, this info can be found in the app's terms and conditions page).
  • If the app requires an account, students can login with their Google Apps account or can be set up and activated by a teacher.

If you don't find your app in the portal or hear from me after placing a request, please email me! We try to check the requests on Fridays before our tech meetings but sometimes it takes longer. :)

This form is also linked on the "Teacher's Lounge" page on Elementary e-school.

Safer online Searching

Our district strives to provide a safe internet experience for our students. But even the best filters can't guarantee kids will never encounter questionable content. When giving students a research task, help them narrow and focus their searches so they are less likely to find irrelevant or inappropriate content. And, there are search engines and image libraries designed for younger students. Guide them to these resources.

A great place to start is the page below provided by ISTE. It gives tips on how to construct good searches and has links to a few kid friendly search engines.

And don't forget: There are several kid friendly sites for images and information on the Elementary e-school page!

"The capacity to learn is a Gift. The Ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice." - Brian Herbert

Created By
Eric Lane


Created with images by TeroVesalainen - "idea innovation imagination" • Wokandapix - "search internet online"

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