Apple Stock By: Callan Teta

Background Research

  • The current CEO of apple is Tim cook.
  • Emagic music software, Beats electronics, and of course Siri are main companies owned by apple as well as NeXT which they now own helped apple develop the IOS operating system and a few other companies.
  • Obviously, Acer, Lenovo, and Dell that produce personal computers running Windows are main competitors.
  • Tablet companies such as Google, Samsung, Nokia etc.
  • Mobile payment companies challenge Apple pay this would be really the only other one which is Android Pay.
  • And the biggest one is smartphone companies. Google, Samsung, and LG, all are big competitors to Apple.

Factors of Production

  • There are 265 Apple stores in the U.S. Apple claims to employ about 30,000 retail employees in the US alone!
  • This being the U.S. alone it is a very high net worth.
  • They reported that they directly employ 66,000 people total!

Financial Information

Currently the stock is at it’s highest in value so if you had bought it in like 2013 you would get a lot of money after just waiting 4 years!

Stock Information

  • Apple’s symbol is AAPL.
  • NASDAQ is the stock exchange that Apple is on.
  • The 52 week high and low is a high of $140.2786 / and a low of $89.47. Right now it’s a high of $139.79 / and a low of 90.34.
  • People think that we should buy Apple stocks before they drop in later years because it is at it’s highest value currently it should rise then fall down.

News Releases

  • This year of 2017 there is a big line up for new products that apple should get people excited such as the 10th anniversary IPhone, another apple watch, a new Macbook Pro, a IPad mini Pro, the Apple Car and more.
  • This should get the stock to go up with all these new products.
  • One summary I read stated that although some people are critical of the new IPhone, the 10th generation IPhone is exciting to Apple supporters especially the ones that had the first generation IPhone.

Summary, Analysis, Reflection

  • I would purchase this stock because it seems like the stock will go up significantly.
  • I would recommend this to other students but I would advise them to do it fast because it will rise then fall.


"Apple Inc. Common Stock Real Time Stock Quotes." Apple Inc. Common Stock (AAPL) Real-Time Stock Quote - N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017."The Complete History of Apple " N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.

"How Many Employees Does Apple Inc. Have?" Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.


Created with images by Unsplash - "home office workstation office" • AlexBor - "apple apple inc macbook" • Daniel Dudek - "Apple Logo" • free pictures of money - "Money" • ChristopherPluta - "old newspaper newspaper the 1960s" • FirmBee - "office freelancer computer" • PublicDomainPictures - "people adult age" • gmahender - "Apple logo"

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