Engineering Wind blade CEE By: Eh Dah Soe


The variable that increased the Power of the Wind turbine the most was the angle of the wind blade in a 40 degree angle. Another variable that seemed important was the shape of the blade. It was essential because it increased the power.


According to our data, Our first variable of the shape of the blades and it made 0 watts. The second variable was changing the angles and it produced 0.5 watts. Our third variable was changing the length of the blade and it produced 0 watts.


Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The blade was able to be pushed by the wind because of the angle of the blade, the wind push the air against up the blade causing the blade being pushed.

"Bernoulli’s principle tells us that faster moving air has lower pressure. Drag, or air resistance, is a force that is working against the blades, causing them to slow down.

Wind turbine blades are shaped so that the air molecules moving around the blade travel faster on the downwind side of the blade than those moving across the upwind side of the blade. Lift is the aerodynamic force that allows airplanes and helicopters to fy. The same force applies to the blades of wind turbines as they rotate through the air. Lift opposes the force of drag, helping a turbine blade pass effciently through air molecules." Sourced by Windwise Education.


Created with images by kevin dooley - "Changing winds" • robef - "Wind Turbine" • Ian D. Keating - "Windgarten" • riko_23 - "sunset wind power energy"

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