Happy life garage Ève Benguigui

My technological garage, would be a 355 square feet garage (I know it would be big).

First when we want to enter by the two big doors, you have a little control panel where you enter a password to open the doors

Both doors are equipped with a silencer, so if you wanna do mechanics in the middle of the night without wake up all the family, you can!

Second, when you come back from a motocross's formidable journey and you don't want to wash all you equipment, you just but it in the closet. The closet is like a dishwasher, but it's more like a "equipmentwasher". You let all your stuff in it and wait for 1 hours and it's done.

Thereafter, we have a robot.

This robot is special because it doing every mechanical reparation and upkeep on the motocross.

It never forget to put a tank of gas in the tank.

And it's the better guy to but the inner tube in the wheel.

Ben(robot's name) is also a really great cook, it does the best sandwiches in the world. And the best for the end...

It will pack all the equipment in the trailer

and will wash all the mud and the dust on the bike.

Thanks for watching!

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