
美國將會陷入新冠病毒的汪洋大海之中嗎﹖ 【中英對照翻譯】

来源: ZeroHedge

作者: Tyler Durden

翻譯: ignoreme, PR: TCC

簡評: TCC


中國的宣傳機構一直在積極參與中共的生物戰爭, 這是超限戰的一部分。 作為中共媒體的代言人, 新華社向美國為主的西方世界發聲, 要求世界應該感謝中共的愛。 文字中流露出威脅口吻, 因為它們已經控制了絕大部分藥物和口罩的生產。 這些是控制COVID-19疫情爆發所迫切需要的。 這哪是愛呀!

這是中共的總體規劃超限戰的一部分。 先用所謂的藍金黃, 使對方墮落並產生依賴性, 掐住要害, 在重要時刻使對方動彈不得; 如不服從就可輕易地將對方至於死地。 自從2001年加入世貿組織後, 中共就處心積慮地發展其勢力及影響力。 他們通過慣用的藍金黃手段, 靜靜地打通關係的手段, 以低價競爭, 劣幣驅逐良幣, 進而循序漸進地取代了歐美當地的工廠, 而使之產生了對中共國的依賴性。

希望這次新冠病毒的疫情能及時喚醒歐美國家, 能真正地瞭解到中共邪惡的本質及其綁架十四億中國人的事實, 能達到全球反共的決心與行動。 像那些藥物上癮的人一樣, 戒毒的過程一定會有一段痛苦與反思。這是對邪惡縱容所要付出的代價。

這是正與邪之爭。 歷史告訴我們邪不壓正。 一切已經開始!

Wake up call to the US – the CCP dependency

China's propaganda machinery has been actively participating in the CCP's biological warfare- a part of the Unrestricted W arfare. Being the mouthpiece of the CCP's media, Xinhua News has asked an apology from the US because they have controlled the pro duction of majority of the medications and masks which are essential and urgently needed for the outbreak of COVID-19.

This is the CCP's master plan. They have used their BGY

China Hints At Blackmail Over Pharmaceutical Exports, Would "Plunge US Into Mighty Sea Of Coronavirus"

中共國暗示利用藥品出口進行敲詐, 將把美國冠推向冠狀病毒的深淵。

China's CCP media mouthpiece, Xinhua News, has published a new article titled "Be bold: the world owes China a thank you."

中共的喉舌媒體【新華社】發表了一篇題為: "理直氣壯:世界欠中國一聲感謝!"

In it, the author suggests that the coronavirus outbreak is much worse in the United States than authorities are letting o n - while noting that President Trump praised China's measures to control the outbreak during a recent press conference. Xinhua also points out that the US stock market "has plummeted continuously, with a drop of more than 12% in just one week ."

文章作者稱: 美國的冠狀病毒疫情比政府披露的要嚴重的多, 另外, 除了川普總統在最近的記者會上稱讚中共國對疫情處置和控制, 新華社也指出, 美國股市已經持續下跌, 一周下跌超過12%。

The article then suggests the travel ban imposed on China - including the restriction of people who have visited China - w as 'unkind,' and has had a 'great economic impact' on the country.

文章還稱, 強制實施對中國的旅行禁止令, 包括限制曾倒過中國的人是不友善的, 這會對美國經濟有重大影響。

US government officials, such as Secretary of Commerce Rose, US Secretary of State Pompeo, and US White House Economic Adv iser Navarro, have publicly gloated over China's new crown pneumonia epidemic, saying that the outbreak of the new crown p neumonia epidemic in China is good for the United States and will help companies return to the United States.

美國政府官員, 像商務部長Rose, 國務卿Pompeo和白宮經濟顧問Navarro對中國爆發的新冠狀病毒肺炎疫情幸災樂禍, 並將協助美國公司撤回美國。

It also called on companies around the world to consider the risks of China's supply chain. Even the infamous "Wall Street Journal" published an infamous article "China is a real patient in Asia", and the "New York Times" in the United States also published a document condemning the closure of Wuhan in China as a violation of huma n rights. The American culture of falling rocks is really shameless. Today, Feng Shui is taking turns, and the United States has become a victim of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. At this time, China has not fallen into rocks and has not condemned the United States. At this time, the United States should recognize its mistakes. Apologize to China for your actions. -Xinhua (translated)

這也向世界各國公司呼籲要考慮中共國供應鏈的風險。 甚至臭名遠揚的【華爾街日報】發表的臭名昭著的文章: "中國: 亞洲的真正病人"。 美國的【紐約時報】也發表文章譴責中國武漢的封城侵犯人權。 美國文化的落井下石真是無恥。 今天, 風水輪流轉, 美國已經成為新冠肺炎疫情的受害者。 同時, 中共國並沒有落井下石譴責美國。 此時, 美國應該認清自己的錯誤, 對你們的行為向中共國道歉-(翻譯自)【新華網】

The punchline? If China retaliates against the United States at this time, including a travel ban or a strategic restriction over medical exports, America would be "plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus."

妙語連珠啊? 如果中共國現在報復美國, 包括旅行禁止和戰略性限制藥物出口, 美國將陷入冠狀病毒深淵。

Xinhua notes that "most of the drugs in the United States are imported," and that "most masks in the United States are mad e in China and imported from China," an that if restricted, the US won't be able to take "the most basic measures to preve nt the new coronavirus."

新華社稱: "美國大部分藥品要靠進口, "還有 "美國的大部分口罩也是中國生產並從中國進口。" 如果這個被限制, 美國將不能採取最基本的措施來防範新冠狀病毒。

Indeed (via F. William Engdahl of New Eastern Outlook):

實際上(來自於【新東方瞭望】雜誌的F. William Engdahl)

80% of present medicines consumed in the United States are produced in China. This includes Chinese companies and foreign drug companies that have outsourced their drug manufacture in joint ventures w ith Chinese partners. According to Rosemary Gibson of the Hastings Center bioethics research institute, who authored a book in 2018 on the theme , the dependency is more than alarming.

美國現在銷售的藥品80%是中國生產。 這包括中國公司和外包藥品生產和中國合資的國外的藥品公司。 根據Hastings生物倫理學研究中心(Hastings Center bioethics research institute)的Rosemary Gibson的說法, 這種對中共國的依賴程度讓人擔憂。 她在2018年時曾針對這個話題寫了一本書。

Gibson cites medical newsletters giving the estimate that today some 80% of all pharmaceutical active ingredients in the U SA are made in China.

Gibson引用醫學通訊的數據, 他們給出的估計是目前美國80%藥品的活性成分是中國生產。

"It's not just the ingredients. It's also the chemical precursors, the chemical building blocks used to make the active ingredients. We are dependent on China for the chemical building blocks to make a whole category of antibiotics... known as cephalosporins. They are used in the United States thousands of times every day for people with very serious infections."

不僅僅是活性成分, 還有化學物前質 - 用於製作活性成分化學構件。 我們依賴中國的化學構建來生產全系列的抗生素, 比如頭孢菌素。 在美國, 每天要用成千上萬次幫人們對抗嚴重感染。

The made in China drugs today include most antibiotics, birth control pills, blood pressure medicines such as valsartan, blood thinners such as heparin, and various cancer drugs. It includes such common medicines as penicillin, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and aspirin. The list also includes medications to treat HIV, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cancer, depression, epilepsy, among others. A recent Department of Commerce study found that 97 percent of all antibiotics in the United States came from China.

目前, 中共國生產的藥品, 包括大部分抗生素, 避孕藥, 控制血壓類藥物, 比如纈沙坦(valsartan),血液吸收劑, 比如肝素(heparin),還有各類抗癌藥。 還有常見藥物,盤尼西林, 抗壞血酸(Vitamin C), 和阿司匹林。 清單里還包括治療HIV的, 阿爾茨海默症, 躁鬱症, 精神分裂症, 癌症, 抑鬱症, 癲癇的藥物。 商務部門最近的一份研究報告發現美國97%的抗生素來自中共國。

Still, Xinhua suggests in their 'blackmail' article that there is "great love in the world," and that they would never do such a thing. As their own coronavirus infections are gradually controlled, "China's ability to export masks and medicines will be greatly enhanced."

此外,【 新華社】在他們的"敲詐"文章中稱, 世界上仍有"偉大的愛", 他們永遠不會做這樣的。 隨著他們冠狀病毒感染逐漸被控制, 中國出口口罩和藥品的能力會大大加強。
