Mike Perry Jazmin marcano

Mike Perry was was born in Missouri and grew up near Kansas City, at an early age of 4 he began his passion. Mike had a complicated childhood, his parents were divorced, and had a dad that was schizophrenic. With having a younger brother he really took on the "Older Brother". Just like any other siblings he bothered his brother but he was responsible for him. He was raised by a single mom allowing him a lot of freedom, He said that he would be able to run around at night in the middle of no where because of the safe environment. This allowed him to learn self-reliant, something that kids cant do now of days. Mike found school something that he wasn't good at, he said that he struggled to follow along with classes like math. When he found out about a college that evolved things that you draw and create instead of the "average classes" he was trilled.

Perry attended "Minneapolis College of Art and Design" and earned a degree in graphic design. After college, he worked for Urban Outfitters in Philadelphia, PA for about 3 years before moving to New York. After raising enough money to build a studio it became obvious that his artwork had no limit. Within time Perry's work was featured all over the world: United States, Singapore, Japan, England, Germany, Canada, The Netherlands, Hong Kong and Australia.

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