Niagara falls by: Juan Sanchez

Location of the Niagara Falls

Located in Ontario, Canada and also New York are the Niagara Falls. Which are fed by the water of the Niagara falls river. The five Great Lakes including: Lake Ontario, Lake Eerie, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan feed into the Niagara Falls river, then the river feeds into the Niagara falls. Once all the water reaches the falls it runs for 15 miles which then empties out into lake Ontario.

When all the water empties into lake Ontario.


Niagara falls was formed about 1200 years ago. The falls were discovered in 1678. The first person to document the Falls was a French Priest. He was surprised and overwhelmed by the size and significance of the falls.

When the falls were first discovered.

Things To Do

The falls attract many tourists. One of the many things that you can do at the falls is go on the maid of the mist ride which is a 68 year old tour that takes passengers on a 20 minute journey along the bottom of the falls where you get to enjoy feeling all the mist from the falls. After this tour you could go to the Aquarium where you can view wonderful aquatic fish. To finish it off you could go to dinner at the Famous Duff's Wings, located at 3651 Sheridan Street at Buffalo Suburb.

Niagara falls Aquarium.

About the falls

Goat island is what separates the falls into the American side of the falls and the Canada side of the falls. On the right side of the island are the American falls. which are 190 feet high and 1,060 feet across. On the left side of the falls are the horseshoe falls which has a height of 185 feet and a length of 2,200 feet. The falls can produce 4 million kilowatts of electricity. When the water goes through the falls. It goes through 4 tunnels that which then is used for the power plants down stream.

Both of the falls and the power plant.

First Tourists

In 1820, the first tourists began to view the stunning scenery, and a stair way was constructed to lead down to table rock to get easier tourist access. Tourism grew after 1820 to such an extent that it became the areas leading industry. Hotels began to sprang up around the falls to meet the ever increasing tourist demand. According to Niagara falls live. The falls are the second largest falls in the world..

Tourists attraction.


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