Connecticut Do you want a new life and get away from the bad air and get fresh air and lots of space you should come to Connecticut.


The Geography and climate contributed to the development of the colony by their being a lot fishing but not good farming.



As resources they used oceans and forest for resources like water, fishing, and lumber. The types of business that would do best in this colony would be Lumbering, Shipbuilding, and fisherman. For trade someone could make a ship for sailors or a lumberjack could make logs for men and fisherman could catch fish and make food out of it and sell it through the village.


Do you want a new life and get away from the bad air and get fresh air and lots of space you should come to Connecticut. Mostly pilgrims and puritans lived in this colony and they were very religious. This colony had long winters and had tough farming conditions and soil. There were fast rivers, natural harbors, and a long coastline.


The puritan and the pilgrims lived here. They did not like the way the church in England was being run. They did not want any other religions.


The important leaders of our colony was the Colonist. Thomas Hooker was the one who founded Connecticut. Connecticut established new government systems.

Fun Facts

The Puritans who landed in Plymouth were called the Pilgrims. Farmland was not abundant in the New England Colonies and many settlers ran businesses as opposed to farming. Major industries in the New England Colonies included lumber, whaling, shipbuilding, fishing, livestock, textiles, and some agriculture. 14 of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence were from the New England Colonies.

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