Donald Trump research Before, during and succeeding as president

You tube video shows many celebrities reactions to Donald trump winning us election. Their reactions are bad, in the case that they did not want trump to win, and believe it will be a bad move for America. These celebrities are also Hilary Clinton supporters. Tweets include ‘pray for America’ by Katy Perry, as trump won

CRAAP test

Currency: One of the sources that I have used Donald Trumps twitter. The currency of this source is very current as he uses his twitter alot. this means it is updated frequently. This I would rate a 10 out of 10.

Relevance: The source is relevant to my task as it is all about donald trump. Everything that is on his twitter has been tweeted by him, so this make the source very relevant. I would rate this also 10 out of 10.

CRAAP test

Accuracy : the accuracy of this source is high, because it is Donald Trump caught of video and it shows exactly what he said back ion 2005. so for this reason I would give it a 10 out 10.

Purpose: the purpose of this source is to give evidence on a case about him sexually assaulting women. this source is fact as it is a video of Donald Trump speaking. The source is being clear about its infomation as it tells you from the start what the video is going to be about. I would give this source a 9 out 10


Created with images by Mike Licht, - "Donald Trump's Favorite Book"

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