Project 365 Week 1

A new beginning..a fresh start doesn't start with a begins with a purpose

  • I've decided to take on a very personal, very large but exciting project for 2017...capturing a photo every day of my life whether that be of my kids, our normal family routine or simply the perspective of how I view the world around me. Inspired in no small way by my love for photography, but more drawing from the changed perspective of how I have come to recognize beauty in the most normal of everyday all around me. How routine normalicies and mundanes, habits and past times, and even interactions and connections with one another and the world around us are really gifts in disguise given so that we might see unearthed beauties to our day. How through the scope of lines and light, contrast and shadows , depth and dimension, all working in cohesion to truly show us that life is a like a "new picture" each day with each day being unique unto itself. This year, in what will be the last full year of having all four of my children in the home, I hope to embark on new discoveries as seen with their eyes through my perspective, uncover new joys in the every day and reveal untold stories before me just waiting to be written ❤️
Something crafted from something formless is where all beauty begins

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." Henry David Thoreau

Rainy day
"....but soon I know your peaks into the world unknown will turn into opens doors which turn into steps forward through doorways unchartered. And soon my son, you will no longer be standing looking out, but running. "

"Friends are the siblings God never gave us. True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing." Mencius

Closet ReBirth

Most of images are shared through Instagram @loriamcc if you'd like to follow along!

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