App Development Journal Karen barajas a01570322

Lesson 1: Playground Basics

Why Apps?

"Over 130 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store alone. Why are apps so popular? Before you jump into making your own apps, stop and think about what makes apps so popular. What purpose do apps serve and what about them makes people keep wanting more?

In your app journal, make a list of five to ten apps you use regularly or have heard about that sound interesting. Think about each one. What made you download it in the first place? What need does it meet? ​Write down the problem you think each app solves. What is its purpose?”

  • Twitter: This app is a social media. It allows you to write whatever you want by creating a tweet, also to share information with other users. Is a very easy and quick way to be informed.
  • Uber: it's an app that allows you to order taxis via your smartphone. This is very essential because you can order a uber car wherever you are to any destination. Which makes people's life easier.
  • Snapchat: This app is a social media. It allows you to share videos or photos for 24 hours with your friends. It's useful to share what you are doing at the moment with your friends.
  • Spotify: This app is a music platform, where you can create playlists, save your music and follow artist. This app evolved music because if you pay 100 pesos per month you can have free and unlimited access to music offline.
  • Instagram:This app is a social media. It allows you to share videos or photos in your profile, where your friends can like and comment on them. More than anything this app is great for saving your memories.
  • WhatsApp: Probably the most used app, it allows you to chat online with your contact you can also video chat with them and call them.

Fragment from: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 2: Naming and Identifiers

Idea Storm

"Have you ever wished that there was an app for that? Now’s your chance ​to get all of those wishes down on paper.

Brainstorm as many ideas as you can for apps you want to make. It doesn’t have to be something new. You could have ideas about an app that already exists, but maybe you want to know how it works or how to make it better. Write down even the apps you think are impossible or just plain silly. The sky’s the limit.

This will be a list you’ll return to over and over again as you learn about developing apps. Keep it handy so you can add to it and refine it as you go."

  • If I could create I would create an app for MAC Cosmetics, where you can have preference when buying limited edition makeup. If you subscribe for 20 a year. to the app you can receive notifications of sales, and special sales, and new products. Also you can customize the eyeshadows pallets online. Shipping worldwide and free shipping for the people who are subscribed.

Fragment from: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 3: String

Who’s Your Audience?

"When you develop an app, it’s important to think about who will be ​using it. An app for kids should look and feel very different from an app for professional artists. Your job as an app developer is to understand the user and to design the app with that user in mind. You want to be sure that the user experience, or UX, is right for your audience.

Take a look at 15 to 20 different apps on the App Store. Be sure to check out all the different categories, like Games, Education, and Kids. Read through the descriptions and look at the screenshots. Write down who you think each app was designed for. What kind of person would download that app? Do you think the app will meet their needs?

Now go back to your list of app ideas from “Idea Storm.” Identify a few key audiences you want to focus on.”

  • Based on my app concept the appropiate audience would be women or men interested in makeup specially MAC products, it would be accesible for every age but i think it would be mostly focused on women of 16 years old and older.

Fragment from: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 4: Hello World

“You might have a great idea for an app, but it won’t be a success if your audience doesn’t understand how to use it. That’s where user interface (UI) design comes in. A well-designed UI makes for a good UX (user experience).But what makes for a good UI? When you’re using the app, it should ​

make sense. When you tap a button, you should know what will happen. What makes for bad UI? You’ve probably experienced apps that leave you wondering: “I know there must be a way to…but I just don’t know how ​to do it.”

Take a look at the design section on the Apple Developer website. It’s packed with resources, such as the Human Interface Guidelines (HIG), ​that can help you think about how to design apps with great UIs.

Now go back to your list of favorite apps from your app journal for Lesson 1: Why Apps? Rank them in terms of their UI design. Which apps are easy to use and seem to “just work”? Write down the reasons that some apps are easier to use than others. Compare your notes with other students. Did ​you agree on the reasons?”

  • From the apps that I chose, I think the social media apps like Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter are pretty easy to use because they work just like they do in your computer. Although there are updates in the software or in the app that may make them a lit bit more complicated. In the other hand the apps that are created just for smartphones are a little bit more complicated because you've never used them before, in the lesson 1, I mentioned some apps. If I had to categorize them I would arrange them in the different way.
  • WhatsApp
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Uber
  • Snapchat
  • Spotify

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 5: First App

" It’s time to go back to your app journal for Lesson 2: Idea Storm. Take a ​look at your “Idea Storm” list. Which ideas stand out to you now? This doesn’t mean you should cross off the ones that don’t. You may come back to these ideas one day with a different perspective. It’s also a list you’ll want to keep adding to.

For those standout ideas, what problem or purpose does each of them address? Can the problem or purpose really be solved with an app? Remember, there are a lot of apps out there. For an app to stand out, ​ it needs to be truly innovative. In the tech industry, there’s the idea of a “disruptive” technology, something that changes the way we do and think about things. Will your app be disruptive? What can your app do better ​than any other app?

  • I search and I didn't fin anything like my idea before, because our app idea is related to makeup. Here you can buy makeup products, learn about makeup trends, learn to use makeup, and watching short videos of makeup.

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 6: Functions

"So far, you’ve been focusing on identifying problems that your app might solve. Now it’s time to turn some of those ideas into app statements, as in the example below. See if you can define your app in terms of the problem it will address. How exactly will your app fulfill its goal?

My app will: ________________(what will your app do?)

because: _________________(why does this need exist?)

Example: App name: Where Should I Be Right Now? Problem: Help new students get adjusted to your school. My app will tell a new student exactly where to be right now and how to get there, because new students often ​get lost. Repeat this for a few of your app ideas. Do any of your app statements speak to you more than others? Go back to your list and continue narrowing down your favorite app ideas."

  • App Name: S & K
  • ProblemThis app will allow people to know more about makeup by offering quick and easy tutorials, an online store where you can buy any product from different brands of makeup, and watch makeup videos and trends. Also you can submit any question and receive an immediate answer.
  • Availability: Our app will be available for AppStore and GooglePlay, and you can download it for free.
  • Target Audience: The main audience for our app based on the content, will be people interested in makeup or people who want to learn more about makeup. There won't an age restriction.

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 7: BoogieBot

Apple iOS devices, like iPhone and iPad, are equipped with a variety of important hardware features. As an app developer, you can put some of them to use in innovative ways.

Do you aspire to build state-of-the-art apps? Take some time to learn about the features and tools you might want to use, things like Handoff, HealthKit, Bluetooth, and SceneKit. You can find lots of helpful information from the Develop: Resources section of the Apple Developer website.

Below are just a few of the basic features to get you started. In your app journal, brainstorm about how you might use these features and tools in your apps. Some ways might be obvious. But push yourself to think up ​some totally new applications. What haven’t you seen before?

Accelerometer. iOS devices have an accelerometer that detects how the device is being moved in three-dimensional space. That means that an app can detect whether the device is accelerating, decelerating, or in zero gravity. Could you create an app that detects if the user is falling? Or measure how many times someone rotates their phone along a central axis?

“GPS. iOS devices have a built-in GPS (Global Positioning System) that shows where it’s located on the earth within about 15 feet. It can also detect altitude (vertical distance from sea level). By combining data from the​

GPS and the accelerometer, an app can estimate the user’s velocity fairly accurately. Some iPad models don’t have GPS but can estimate their​ location using nearby Wi-Fi signals.

Camera. Easy access to the iOS camera allows users to take photos or video and save them to the image roll. Your apps can overlay images onto those images and then save them. Augmented reality (AR) apps can read your location and overlay images onto the live feed from the camera, combining computer-generated images and real life as you walk around.

Touchscreen. Both iPhone and iPad have a touch-sensitive screen. You can create apps that detect a user interaction, such as tapping the screen once, double-tapping, swiping, or dragging a button or object. Think of the possibilities for games and other user interfaces that use touch as a very natural interaction with elements on the screen.

  • From the features above the three that I think we will use to build our app are:
  • GPS: This feature will be useful because our app offers an online store so with this feature it will be more easily for users to know more information about the delivery politics according to your country.
  • Touchscreen: This feature will allow the user to perform several actions like scrolling through the feed of makeup tutorials, uploading pictures of your makeup, liking and commenting on trends.
  • Camera: This feature will allow the user to upload pictures and videos of makeup.

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 8 Constants and Variables

"By this point, you’ve hunted for problems far and wide. You’ve chosen certain problems that an app might be able to solve. You’ve written app statements that define what your apps will do. Now it’s time to have another idea storm. But this time, you’re going to come up with as many app features as you can. Think about the features and tools you learned about in Lesson 7: Feature Smashing and from the Apple Developer website. How many of those can you incorporate in your app and in how many different ways?

Remember, when you do an idea storm, it’s important to make a note of as many ideas as you think up. The crazier the ideas, the better. Don’t worry if something is impossible or silly, or if you wouldn’t know how to code it. ​ Just think about how your app could be unique and how it might help to define a whole new category of apps."

  • Our app will offer worldwide shipping to those who subscribe to our app.
  • You will be able to rate makeup products based on your preference, and you'll be able to post the makeup products you use the most in your profile.
  • There will be a 24/7 service to answer any of your questions submitted and the answer will be a short video, we will guarantee the user it will answer their question,

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 9 Types

“Now that you know the purpose of your app and the kinds of features ​you’ll use, take a look at what’s out there already. Take a good look at the App Store. Do your app ideas already exist? Don’t be discouraged if you find one or several that are like the app you’ve imagined. It just means you had ​a good idea. And maybe now that you’ve seen a bunch of similar apps, you can see ways of improving them.

For each of your app ideas, identify the top three competitors on the App Store. If you can, download the app to check it out. Pay attention to how easy it is to use. Can you suggest any improvements to the user interface? How could it be designed better?

If there are any user reviews on the App Store, be sure to read those carefully, too. What are people finding difficult about the app? What else do they wish it could do? Where are people getting confused? Make note ​of these comments in your app journal. How would your app address each of these concerns?"

  • After a while of searching in the Appstore if there where any apps similar to ours, we didn't find nothing similar. Of course there are apps that contains certain of our ideas separately. The three main apps we found that have a some features from our app are:
  • Sephora: The main problem with this app is that the user can't see all the products that are available on the stores, and also the user cannot buy directly from the app.
  • Instagram: The main problem with this app is that although the user can find short beauty videos this is not an app therefore it is not dedicated to makeup but the user must look for special people or hashtags to find what they want.
  • Beautylish: The main problem with this app is a makeup blog so the user can't have a direct interaction if they are looking for something specifically.
  • The main reason that our app will be unique and better is that our app will offer all the features that are on each app separately, in one single app.

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 10: Parameters and Results

"We’ve been talking a lot about the design of an app. But what makes ​a well-designed app? Take another look at the HIG. The HIG promotes three core principles of good interface design on Mac and iOS:

Deference. The navigation and user interface should not detract from the content of your app itself. They should be there when users need them, ​but should be unobtrusive.

Clarity. Text should be legible, no matter what size it is, and the overall​look should be simple, not cluttered with unnecessary details.

Depth. Use motion and visual layers to clearly show the relationships between different elements on the screen. When new elements come onscreen, they can “stack” on top of each other, so when you close a view, you see the one beneath it.

In your app journal, write down a few design principles that will be important for your app. You’ll want to refer back to these principles throughout the development process, as they’ll help you stay on track ​and be consistent in your design”.

  • We want the design of our app to be organized and simple, in order to achieve that we will focus on three important features.
  • We want our app to be as organized as possible we are going to achieve that by having different tabs each one will give you access to different features, so that way the hone page won't be saturated with information we also want our app to be easy with this we mean that the user in the app won't have trouble to use it we want to make a tab for every different feature our app offers, and lastly we want to make it appealing in a way that the home page won't look boring and saturated.

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.

Lesson 11: Making Decisions

“People form first impressions very quickly. The first few seconds that someone spends using your app are the most important. Will they move your app to their Home screen and check it regularly? Or will they close ​it and forget they ever downloaded it? That first impression can make all ​the difference.Take yourself on an app hunt. Your goal is to find an app that demonstrates each of the following best practices for designing apps.

An appealing icon. When people are searching the App Store, they notice ​a good icon. Right or wrong, they’ll make a judgment about the quality of the app based on its icon. You might have a brilliantly coded app with a ​slick user interface, but people will never download it if your app icon ​looks amateurish. Find an app that has an appealing icon. What makes it appealing?

Get right into the action. It’s not a good idea for your app to display a login screen or a big “Start” button as the initial view. Let people start using your app right away, on the first screen they see. What will most users want to do with your app? Make that the initial view. How many taps does it take to get to the main part of your app? The answer should be very few.”

  • Our app will have five different tabs, when the user first open the app it will appear the user's profile. The other tab will be for the online store where you can select the different makeup brands, another tab will be for the home page where the user will be to find the different makeup videos or trends, the app will also count with a explore tab where you can search different makeup brands and lastly the last tab will allow the user to ask for tutorials and will be able to see the video response.

Fragmento de: Apple Education. “App Development with Swift”. Apple Inc. - Education, 2016. iBooks.


Activity 1: Celebrity and Family
Activity 2: Create your story
Activity 3: Correcting codes
Activity 4: App Design
Activity 5: Song Code
Activity 6: Creating a Boogie Bot

Activity 7: Calculating the diameter of a circle
Activity 8: SuperMarket List
Activity 9: Verbing your noun
Activity 10: Return Values
Activity 11: Argument Label
Activity 12: Hourcode
Created By
Karen Barajas

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