GoodLife Tour of the Harn zachary isler

Zandvoort, on etched magnesium by Frank Stella, is a piece of artwork that this photo truly does no justice for. The colors and the 3 dimensionality of the piece are not captured by the camera lens. This abstract piece of American art communicated a strange rush of emotion that made me simply feel, happy. What I found to be so striking was the coloration of the piece, very exotic colors and cross-blending of colors that I usually would never place together.

The Asian art exhibit is by far my favorite design. The beautiful dark wood, the open aired sense given from the large glass panels which look out onto an Asian themed garden, evoke a sense of calmness and zen with nature. All of these aspects of the room really made me feel calm and collect.

Islandia, Goddess of the Healing Waters, Audrey Flack 1988. This piece speaks to my core value of acceptance. The goddess' nudity and open arms give a feeling of acceptance to me as a viewer. No matter how well clothed you are or how much money you have, we are all humans and we are all equal. The artwork reminds me of my mother and the love that I have for her. The art work physically embodies my value of acceptance and this allows me to better cherish it.

I believe Seated Bodhisattva embodies the GoodLife because of the peace it has appeared to have achieved with the world. The palm being held up symbolizes to me the reaching of a higher understanding of the meaning of life and the ability to teach these ways to its followers. I believe this piece has allowed me to better understand what it means to embody the GoodLife by giving a more physical example, instead of a literary example.

Created By
zachary ISLER

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