New York, New York By: Faith Hoppe

This is just a fun picture from on top of the Empire State building looking out into NYC.
Location, On top of Empire State building in New York. The Empire State building is one of the most popular buildings to visit to get a view of New York. You go up 86/87 floors and you can be outdoors.
Human interaction; It's negative because it's over crowded with a lot of people/taxis and it waste gas and pollutes the air plus it smells in some parts of the city. So many people are standing around to visit take pictures and it's just way to overcrowded. Then the people dressed up try and convince you to take a picture with them, but then they make you pay like $10-$20.
Movement; Anyone who lives in nyc uses the subway to get to and from work easily and cheaply. So many people use the train because their work is on the other side on New York and taxi's are to0 expensive to rid in to go to work plus you would have to sit into traffic.
This is my regional map of New York. The river in the back of picture shows the split between New York and New jersey. The coordinates of New York City is 40,42, 46 N and 74, 00, 21 W. It shows the many different parts of the city.


Created with images by tpsdave - "new york city tribute in lights sky"

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