Journey Log 7 Clark-Clark_13-Builder

Habits Used: Engagement

(Being without Minecraft, I am using the Ranger for this one assignment)

To further our knowledge on sources, we adequately covered sources again in class last week. We looked deeper into good and bad sources. The main topic that I was particularly engaged in was that of citations. I was not quite sure how to do various in text citations as well as incorporating quotes with text. Through the peer review and lesson, I learned what I needed to do.

A main lack of engagement occurred from CCIT regarding Minecraft Education. This has been shown and reinforced throughout this semester.

Peer review, according to Elsevier, is "a formal part of scientific communication" in our modern world. This means that peer review is not just limited to what we did in class, but can be further used for other fields and subjects.

This website shows quite a few new ways to integrate quotes into a writing. This includes using a colon, which to me is rare.


Created with images by Uriel 1998 - "Minecraft Cathedral"

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