

They ain't called the breadbasket for nothin'!

Geography (Land)

the middle colonies had lots fertile farmland WHICH was great for farming. They also had plains, open fields and forests.

Geography (Natural Resources)

The middle colonies had lots of good natural resources. They had many crops such as wheat, hemp, flax, and corn.

Geography (Climate)

The middle colonies climate has hot summers, and cold winters. In the summer there were mosquitos which caused the risk of disease.


the middle colonies made most of their money off of farming. Some of the crops are wheat, flax, hemp, and corn. they also had jobs like a butcher, Industry jobs, and shipping things to other places. they also trade with the indians and other colonies.

Reasons for Founding

the middle colonies were founded so that people could be free from the church of england. they also wanted a place where everyone was treated equally, they all helped each other, and always thought of everyone as a friend.

Bread Basket

Why are the middle colonies called the breadbasket you ask? because we have the biggest farming industry out of the southern and northern colonies! we have the finest pastries, the most elegant bread, and the best bread based desserts you can think of!

Created By
Elisabeth K


Created with images by Amritanshu Sikdar - "Bare trees at twilight" • Micah Hallahan - "Farm fence" • kazuend - "Blue flax bed" • chuttersnap - "untitled image" • Kym MacKinnon - "A Legal Plant (In Canada) <3 Finally" • Aaron Burden - "Crucifix at sunset" • Paul Hermann - "untitled image" • Deva Williamson - "untitled image"