Paraiso Perdido wubba dub dub


The story of paradise lost takes place in West Memphis, Arkansas 1994 after three young boys, Christopher Byers, Michael Moore and Stevie Branch, were murdered. The main suspects were three older boys, The West Memphis Three. The three suspects were Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, and Jason Baldwin.

Theses are the West Memphis Three, Jessie on the left, Jason in the middle and Damien on the right.
This shows the area around the three murders.

Throughout the documentary the West Memphis Three have many court dates set up in which the judge will be presented with evidence on both side to try and either make them guilty or prove their innocence.

Here is a little trailer to Paradise Lost and what it is mainly focused on.

Throughout the entire film everyone shows an array of different emotion towards one another and on their views of life and death. A lot of them end up changing at the end. John Mark Byers changes his view on the West Memphis Three when he realizes it isn't them.

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