Sir Adam Beck Junior School By Tulia Phillips GR.5


Sir Adam Beck Public School is a great school. It has many great qualities such as; a pool, a library, a media lab, a huge gym and so much more. This article is going to be about all of these excellent qualities. This school goes from Junior kindergarten (full time) to grade 5. There are outstanding staff and students her at S.A.B that can teach your kids.


Here at S.A.B we have many programs. After school we do Arts Express every Wednesday, glee club every lunch on Thursdays, chess club every lunch On Tuesdays. And remember, you only have to do this if you want to. We also have clubs hosted by the teacher’s. Like Bollywood for instance, The Silver Birch reading club/Reading club, The photography, the coding clubs and much more. In case you are wondering what coding means, it means to create your own apps/games. Anything that you invent that is technologically then yes. ( By technologically I mean it is online or created by any device of some sort.

Everything is fun together!

Agenda of subjects

-Math is what every class has to do at least 4 days in the 5 day cycle. Some classes do 2 periods or 1 period. It depends on the day. Schedules change. But math is always a part of our day here at S.A.B but we do get 1 day off of math doing something else that is fun.

-Science is an important part of every classes day. Depending on the grade, the classes will have different levels of learning. For instance, Grade 5's are learning about matter and Grade 2's are learning about amphibians and land animals and animals that live in water. At S.A.B there are different period amounts on how much kids learn science a week.

-Media is when every class has one period or a double period and every class gets to go twice a week. The media lab teacher, Mr. Gard assign's the class a project with a certain due date and they work on it during their media lab time. The students are aloud to ask questions and they are aloud help from fellow students or the teacher. Here is a student named Clara who is working in digital news club. Like this project, Clara is trying to make an article about a great thing about S.A.B which in this case, is the 3D printer.

Clara and the 3D printer!!

-Music is a fun class to go to because there are many instruments that kids can play and there are so many different songs we play, notes we learn and fun tests we have!

-Social Studies is always fun because we are learning new things such as: aboriginal people, natives, tribes and so many other stuff not related to those topics. We have social studies about 3 times a week for one or two periods. It is always fun to learn and we always enjoy ourselves because we can paint and draw in our Social Studies activities.

-French has two ways; there is french immersion, which is full day of french except for the small English lessons and there is also french program which is for the people in English who have the little lessons of French.

-English is different to all classes. Depending on the grade, we learn more advanced things like in grade 5 we learn child labor. And in grade 1-2 we learn about stuff like spelling tests and stories and texts that are basic and level 1.

-Physical Education is great! Active, fit cool, and so much more! We do have some parts learning about health. (Which is about the changes in our bodies, and how health makes a differences in your body depending on what you eat.) We also learn new games and play old games and we do Yoga and dances and presentations, tests and so much more fun in gym class (A.K.A Physical Education).

-Writing session is when the students all write a story. Only certain classes have this program so some students do not do this. But it is always very fun to write a fun story!

-Reading session happens differently depending on the teacher and their schedule. There are french reading and English reading. Usually students will have some time to read books silently or together. But there will always b reading for the students in their year.

-Library is once a week. Students get to take out three books max. When they return a book, they can take out another one. The library has many options; comics, fiction, non-fiction, french, English, mystery, murder ,CD's. But the children can't take out any CD's or murder. Some of the books and CD's are for adults because it is a public library.

Lunch Programs

At S.A.B, we have a lunchroom. The lunchroom has 10 lunch tables. 1 for each class. (If the class is big they will have 2) We have first lunch, where grade 1s, 2s, and some 3s sit and eat first. There is also second lunch for most grade 3s, 4s and , 5s. Sir Adam Beck is a school that goes from J.K to Grade 5. At lunch, we have grade fives who sell milk and cookies (Chocolate milk, white milk and chocolate chip cookies) And on Friday’s they sell Frozen Yogurt. We also have lunch programs like Subway, Kids Essentials, Real Food For Real Kids (RFFRK), and Pita pit. We have so many great food options for you to eat at S.A.B!!!


In Sir Adam Beck, we have a crest. It is a knight with S.A.B on it. Stands for Sir Adam Beck. Stands for Sir Adam Beck. When our school competes, we wear red pinnies with the S.A.B crest on it. That way, people know who we are.

Here is our crest! This is what you see when you click on this article.

Thank you very much for reading this very informative text on S.A.B

Created By
Tulia Phillips

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