My year in Video 2 Accomplishments in production and creative design of videos

I was tasked to help with producing and filming announcements last year for Video 1, and this year I have been specifically tasked with the creation of Friday's announcements.

My work,as the head creator, of the Friday announcements which displays all the creative techniques I learned in video 2 to create better and more engaging content.

Over the months I have come a long way, learning many new tricks in the area of video production...

One such skill was how to use Adobe Audition to fix and edit audio for a video.

I also learned how to create and draft scripts in the production of a video

All these skills have accumulated to help produce better and better videos as the weeks go on

My year started out with my New's looking like this...

And after One semester they now look like this.

Thus far is my experience in Video 2 and i hope to learn many new and better filming techniques as time goes on

Created By
Andrew Roth

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