One-to-One Computing One-to-one computing is a program schools have recently been implementing, and they supply each student with an electronic device to use in school and at home


Enrichment- Improving or increasing the quality or value of something

Individualize- Tailor something to suit a students individual needs

One-to-one computing- A laptop is provided for each student

BYOD: Bring your own device- Each student has to bring their own device to school

Common Core- A set of state standards teachers use for different subjects to prepare students for life in the future

Tablet- A thin, flat mobile computer, similar to a laptop but has no keyboard

Differentiated- Recognizing what makes someone or something different

Just in time learning- Obtaining information right when it’s needed

How is one-to-one computing beneficial?

One-to-one computing is beneficial because it saves money in the future, and teachers can choose the type of device that will work best for each age group. One-to-one computing is a program schools have recently been implementing, where they supply each student with an electronic device. Technology has been improving quickly and helping with many different jobs in the world, and is starting to be incorporated into education as well. In fact, “companies and colleges are spending an estimated $17 billion per year teaching recent grads how to use technology programs” (“The Importance of Technology”). If schools are able to implement technology at an age as young as kindergarten, students will grow up with technology as a normal part of their lives, which would save money in the long run. When it comes to choosing devices, there are some that work better than others. Laptops and Chrome Books are the best device for High School students because they are easier for writing papers, doing research, and other online activity. However, for younger kids tablets work well because they’re lightweight, have touch screens, and can take pictures and videos (Warschauer). While some schools have started to implement technology, other schools aren’t able to fit it into their budget.

What are the drawbacks of one to one computing?

Even though there are benefits to implementing technology into school, some schools can’t afford it, and students may not use the technology in a beneficial way. If schools can’t fit this system into their budget, there are alternative solutions. Businesses started the idea of a BYOD policy but the system has started to move into education as well. According to Forrester Research,“44% of schools that can’t afford one-to-one computing programs implement a BYOD policy”. Some believe that this solution is the least reliable, but it has worked in schools where they give families enough time to plan ahead and save for a device (“1-to-1 Learning"). For schools that are able to implement technology into schools, parents and teachers always have concerns. One of the most common concerns, is that students may get distracted and use the device to play games, which would be a waste of time, energy, and money. Luckily, there are computer programs that allow teachers to block websites and applications from students, to keep them focused in school (Warschauer). But, distractions on technology tend to decrease if students are interested in what they’re learning.

How can one-to-one computing help individualized learning?

Using one-to-one computing can individualize learning because each student is provided with their own device to work at their own pace. In general, people tend to succeed when they’re interested in something, this idea can be applied to school as well. In schools with one-to-one laptop programs “75% of teachers agree that student achievement, engagement, participation, and motivation increased” ("The Importance of Technology"). Since students today are living in such a digital age with technology as a part of their everyday life, schools have started to utilize this in education to keep students engaged. Students have also found success when communication increased between students and teachers outside of school. Many students can submit projects online and teachers can provide instant feedback on how to improve. Also, quizzes can be taken online and graded instantly, so students know what they need to study before a test (Warschauer). Unfortunately, technology often fails without support from teachers and administration.

What can teachers do to help students succeed when using technology?

Teachers can help by attending training sessions and helping students with common technology problems. In order for one-to-one computing to be successful, there needs to be positive support coming from school administration. One common mistake seen in schools where using one-to-one computing fails is that, they spend money on the technology but not on the people needed to implement it (LaVenture). One way this can be solved is to have teachers attend seminars where educators teach them how to successfully incorporate technology into their classroom. At these seminars, teachers are also educated on how to help fix minor computer problems. Such as, restarting a computer, retrieving deleted files, and how to block certain apps and webpages(“1-to-1 Learning"). When learning how to use technology, “Only 18% of adults would feel comfortable learning to use a new device on their own, while 77% would need help walking through it” (“The Importance of Technology”). So, by having teachers learn how to use new technology, it will help make teaching and learning easier. The skills students develop using technology in school, can also be used in the future.

How does one-to-one computing help students succeed in school and the future?

One-to-one computing helps improve test scores and prepare students for careers in the future. One of the positive aspects of using technology in education is that it helps students succeed. According to Kulik’s Meta-Analysis Study, “On average, students who used computers in the classroom, scored at the 64th percentile on tests of achievement compared to students without computers who scored at the 50th percentile” (Schacter). This study shows that technology is creating more just in time learning. When students are curious and wanting to learn more, they can use their device to instantly research further into a topic. Using technology in school not only helps students succeed now, but in the future as well. Technology is helping students learn real life skills, such as how to make presentations using Microsoft Powerpoint, send emails, collaborate with others digitally, and solve common technology problems. These are all 21st century skills needed to be successful in the digital workforce (Cox). One-to-one computing helps increase communication, problem solving skills, and teaches students how to use common technology programs, which will all be necessary for success in the future.


In this video of Raj Dhingra on TED Talks, he talks about the connection between school in the past and the modern school system today. He found that changes need to be made in order for more students to succeed. Technology is one of the major ways that schools have seen it has started to help. It is innovative, creative, and keeping students engaged. This video is relevant to the topic of one-to-one computing because, it is a form of technology schools have started to implement.

Works Cited

“1-to-1 Learning."Department of Education and Training. 8 Jan. 2017, Accessed 25 Jan. 2017

Cox, Janelle. "Benefits of Technology in the Classroom."TeachHUB. K12 Teachers Alliance, 14 Nov. 2016, Accessed 8 Feb. 2017.

LaVenture, Tom. "Kensal school gets $25,000 in new technology."Jamestown Sun. 19 Jan. 2017, Accessed 22 Jan. 2017.

Schacter, John. “The Impact of Technology on Student Achievement.” Milken Exchange on Technology. 2009. PDF. Accessed 8 Feb. 2017.

“The Importance of Technology in American Schools”. YouTube, uploaded by DigitalWishChannel, 21 Feb. 2012, Accessed 1 Feb. 2017.

Warschauer, Mike. “Going One-to-One 2.0.” Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. May 2015. EBSCO, Accessed 31 Jan. 2017.

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