Lack of Sleep and Academic Success Loss of Sleep Due to Class Registration

During college, students should always strive to do their best in their studies. Good grades can affect a student's career after college.


At Liberty University, class registration opens at 12:00 AM. If students stay awake until midnight to register for classes, the lack of sleep could affect their academic abilities.

If students do not get enough sleep, they may be unfocused or even sleep in class. This could cause students to miss important information.
In some classes, students are required to leave class if caught sleeping.

Research has showed that a correlation between lack of sleep and decline in academic ability does exist.

If class registration opened at an earlier time, students would be able to get more sleep and therefore do better in their classes.


Created with images by SLR Images - "0044" • thebarrowboy - "285/365 Relief" • cjdjkobe - "first step to success" • niyam bhushan - "BikanerEnggCollege.SakshamaGN09.Niyam - 027" • jeremyfoo - "Zzzzz #2" • lehman_11 - "School Memories" • Simon Shek - "Zzzzzz...." • jeremyfoo - "Cunlai" • Infinity Instruments - "Benchmark Black - 11072/1218"

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