"Alex Rodriguez" by Serena Kappes November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"His New York relatives worked there and sent some of the profits to the Rodriguezes." (page 8)

Based upon the context clues, the word "profits" means money from a business.

"As his parents watched, Alex walked with a yellow bat over to a makeshift home plate." (page 9)

Based on the context clues, the word "makeshift" means a substitute for something replaceable.

"In Arizona being around more experienced players taught Alex about teamwork and made him realize how passionate he was about baseball." (page 23)

Based on the context clues, the word "passionate" means having an intense emotion towards a subject.

"The scouts who'd been watching him all season bombarded Alex with offers." (page 25)

Based on the context clues the word "bombarded" mean to have a lot of people asking a person a lot of questions all at once.

"After the final game, the home fans at the Seattle Kingdome gave their team--whose motto was "Refuse to Lose"-- a "thunderous, moving ovation... to show their thanks for the season's incredible ride that saved baseball in Seattle," Alex recalled." (page 35)

Based on the context clues the word "ovation" means an enthusiastic public reception of a person.

"He said his illegal drug use was behind him, but many felt his admission cast a shadow over his great career." (page 92)

Based on the context clues the word "admission" means acknowledging the truth of something

"A-Rod was a huge prospect for other teams." (page 62)

Based on the context clues the word "prospect" means a potential or likely candidate.

"After weeks of negotiations, on December 11, 2000, A-Rod signed an astonishing $252 million dollar contract, to be paid out over 10 years, with the Texas Rangers (based near Dallas in Arlington, Texas)." (page 63)

Based on the context clues the word "negotiations" means an arrangement of terms of a transaction.

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